Special strand 2024
Download PdfContractual Monarchy and Representativeness in the Middle Ages
During the IMMLleida, we want to emphasise a specific objective: Contractual Monarchy and Representativeness in the Middle Ages.
Governing, in the Middle Ages, is a game of matching between the different holders of power. Common good, power of the people, conciliarism, universities, double rule (mere and mixed empire), etc. they are the proper terms of an era where, after all, negotiation, justifying speeches and ostentation are imposed at different levels and social strata. The sovereign finds before those who speak on behalf of certain groups, invoking a certain and pretended representativeness. Contractual monarchy and representativeness thus become two of the great contributions of the Middle Ages. The traces of that past are everywhere: art, literature, archaeology, documentation, literature... The researcher only needs to look at them. The International Medieval Meeting Lleida thus invites an interdisciplinary look that illuminates this pivotal point in the historical journey of humanity.
Keynote speakers:
- Inaugural conference by Michel Hébert (Université du Québec à Montréal), Le moment parlementaire en Europe occidentale à la fin du Moyen Âge: de la représentation à la représentativité?
- François Foronda (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Políticas, reformadas y contractuales: monarquías renovadas en el siglo XIV europeo.
- Núria Silleras (University of Colorado at Boulder), Juana I de Castilla: una crisis contractual y el fin de la dinastía Trastámara.
- Xavier Renedo (Universitat de Girona), Contractualisme i jerarquies angèliques entre el Dotzè del Crestià i el Llibre dels Àngels.
- Francesca Español (Universitat de Barcelona), La Corona d'Aragó i els escenaris de la 'potestas'.
- Antoni Mas (Universitat de les Illes Balears), Ésser pagesos, ésser de la Pagesia. L'emergència de la consciència col.lectiva dels habitants de la ruralia mallorquina de Mallorca (segles XIV-XVII).